What should I do if the site is loading slowly?

If ABCmouse.com seems to be running slowly on your computer, there are a few things that we suggest to help it run more smoothly. But first, please note that ABCmouse.com is a richly interactive website, with many images and sound files. When you first begin using the site, these files will begin to be stored in your computer’s memory, and you will soon begin to notice the site loading more and more quickly. If the site continues to run unusually slow, please try the following: Use the refresh function of your browser to reload the page Try accessing ABCmouse.com from a different Internet browser. Shut down your computer and restart it.

How do I adjust my volume settings? 

Use your desktop’s or laptop’s native settings to control the volume. 

Is ABCmouse.com available on the iPad? 

Yes, you can download the app from the Apple App Store. You can also log in to your ABCmouse.com account from your iPad’s browser, and download the app from there.

For the best performance...

When using the ABCmouse.com Early Learning Academy app on your iPad or iPhone, please make sure that you have a strong Wi-Fi connection, and close any apps running in the background. It’s also a good idea to verify that you are running the most recent iOS. (You can check if an operating system update is available through your iPad’s Settings function: (General > Software Update.) 

Can I use ABCmouse.com on an Android tablet? 

The ABCmouse.com Early Learning Academy app is available on select Android devices. If your device is compatible, you can download the app from the Google Play/Amazon App store. If your device is not yet compatible, please note that we are working as quickly as we can to make the app available for all Android devices. In the meantime, you can of course use ABCmouse.com on a desktop.